Supporting Inclusive Early Learning: Working Together for Inclusion & Belonging
READ THE CA MAP (Making Access Possible) Newsletter to learn more.

Projects under the Supporting Inclusive Early Learning umbrella include:
- Beginning Together: Caring for Children with Disabilities or Delays in Inclusive Settings
- California MAP* to Inclusion & Belonging… *Making Access Possible
- The CA Teaching Pyramid
From Newsletter: “The California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging… Making Access Possible Project agrees with this quote from Nicole Eredics, “Inclusion begins by saying, yes, we will educate every child.” More state leaders, county offices of education, school districts, neighborhood schools and early care and education programs in California are saying yes to inclusion than ever before and taking steps to prepare for children with disabilities and children at risk for developmental delays in their programs.
This issue of the MAP Newsletter lays out important new resources from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), new professional development opportunities on inclusion from Beginning Together and California Department of Education articles, reports and website pages that hold information on the latest early childhood inclusive education programs and resources. In addition, are resources on trauma informed care, creating equitable education environments and a Barbie with Down Syndrome! All of these resources support movement toward inclusion and belonging and opportunities to say, “Yes, we will educate every child.”